
LoRaWAN® Specification v1.0.3

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Page 51 of 71

LoRaWAN 1.0.3 Specification ©2018 LoRa™ Alliance Page 52 of 72 The authors reserve the right to change specifications without notice. Channel frequency ok The device cannot receive on this frequency This frequency can be used by the end-device 1381 1382 If either of those 2 bits equals 0, the command did not succeed and the ping-slot parameters 1383 have not been modified. 1384 1385 14.4 BeaconTimingReq & BeaconTimingAns 1386 These MAC commands are deprecated in the LoRaWAN1.0.3 version. The device may use 1387 DeviceTimeReq&Ans commands as a substitute. 1388 1389

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