Peer to Peer

September 2009

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the quarterly magazine of ILTA 55 Peer to Peer The Online Learning Movement for Attorneys by Lee Ann Enquist W ith the rapid integration of technology into the practice of law, there is an increasing migration toward online learning — especially in the world of professional development and continuing legal education. Nearly a third of the learning hours made available across all industries in 2007 were technology-based, according to a report from the American Society for Training and Development (ASTD).The average for technology-based learning (across all industries) was 32.6 percent of learning hours made available. This is up from 11.5 percent just six years earlier and continues to rise at a steady pace. American organizations spent more than $134 billion on employee learning and development in 2007, according to ASTD estimates. Because law firms today spend millions of dollars annually on professional development, it is imperative that these dollars are spent wisely. It's no wonder more and more firms are integrating technology into their learning processes. "Time is my most valuable resource," said Chicago attorney Dawn Kahn. "What's great about (online learning) is that I could choose to do CLE programs at times of the day when clients aren't calling, the phone's not ringing and e-mails aren't flying in with 'immediate response' requested." Remember that adage that time is money? Learning, whether to satisfy CLE requirements or for general professional development, needs to be both efficient and effective. Optimize knowledge Retention

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