Northshore Magazine

May / June 2015

Northshore magazine showcases the best that the North Shore of Boston, MA has to offer.

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Page 160 of 244

158 equipment. But the savings over time eventually won the day. (Also, standing union contracts prevented them from replacing typesetters.) Linotype typeset- ting dominated newspaper production until the late 20th-century advent of computer-aided filmsetting. "The photoset typing and offset printing were king until 1990—that's when computer type came about," explains Pickard. MS-DOS and early Apple models used the keyboard to direct type to a phototypesetter. Word processing equipment was used as an "input device" to get things printed and looking good. At that time, personal computers were merely adjuncts to the photo- typesetters. "It was a natural step to then do graphics on the personal computers," notes Pickard. Interfaces were made into phototypesetting units, new fonts were developed, and output from a typist might be given to a typesetter, who would "take those key strokes and finesse them." Some feel setting type by hand or by using the Linotype or Monotype machines produced a superior product because the operators knew about typography. in-depth LIVE Early DOS and Apple computers were used in tandem with phototypesetters. FOR MORE PHOTOS GO TO NSHOREMAG.COM/ MUSEUMOF PRINTING/ Yankee Fireplace & Grill City 140 S. Main Street, (rte 114) Middleton, MA 978-774-1621 We offer products for all seasons & can design, deliver, install and service. Our staff has combined industry experience that exceeds 150 years. North Shore's Premier Outdoor Furniture Showroom

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