SXSW Interactive 2014 Program Guide: Tomorrow Happens Here
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SXSW 2014 Interactive Festival 116 117 SXSW 2014 Interactive Festival HEALTH & BUSINESS HILTON DOWNTOWN, LEVEL 6: 500 E 4TH STREET FRIDAY, MARCH 7 12:30 PM Hilton: Room 616AB The *Real* Crowdfunding Investment You've heard about rewards based crowdfunding such as Kickstarter and Indigogos, but do you know about equities crowdfunding? Join this session for a discussion on how anticipated new regulations such as those of the J.O.B.S. (Jumpstart Our Business Startups) Act will create a new asset class of investors with financial contributions making investments in businesses seeking new growth and ROI. Chris Tyrrell, Jessica Randazza Core Conversation • Intermediate • #JOBSinvest 12:30 PM Hilton: Salon F Doctor's Offices on Their Death Bed Technology and policy are colliding to transform the patient experience. New devices are delivering continuous streams of health data to patients, who now expect physi- cians to engage via modern communication channels. As this trend continues will doctor's offices soon be a piece of the past? Dr Dennis Schmuland, Dr Gautam Gulati, Grant Verstandig, Morgan Gress Panel • Intermediate • #MedChange 12:30 PM Hilton: Salon G Check Online for Session Scheduled in This Timeslot Things change! Check our online schedules at or SXSW GO, our, mobile app, to find information about what will occur in this room at this time. We're sure it'll be really cool, whatever it is! #schedule 12:30 PM Hilton: Salon JK Life Automation for Entrepreneurs Running a startup is an intense, all-consuming undertaking and new entrepreneurs have a hard time keeping up with the demands of their business and maintaining their relationships, social life, family, health, etc. In this panel, we'll be discussing creative ways to utilize technology to automate your life while you are running your business. Moderated by Stephanie Burns. Maneesh Sethi, Stephanie Burns, Veronica Belmont Panel • Intermediate • #AutoLife 3:30 PM Hilton: Room 616AB Mission-Driven Accelerators Join the founding team of supporting media entrepreneurs accelerator Matter in a discussion of how experiments in emergent accelerators focused on media, education and environment, amongst others, are faring, the hypotheses and philosophies that guide them, and the lessons learned so far. Corey Ford, Jake Shapiro Core Conversation • Intermediate • #mission 3:30 PM Hilton: Salon F Re-Creating the Business of Health New technologies are converging with new expectations and needs to create new busi- ness models for healthcare experiences. This session will deliver clear strategies and techniques to incorporate big data, biology and technology with advanced human factors design and innovation tools, and present case studies as models of how to integrate all of these into your own services, products and vision. Andy Palmer, Scott Stropkay Dual • Advanced • #HealthBIZ 3:30 PM Hilton: Salon G Tech Is Finally Disrupting Healthcare & Investing Adam Nash, COO of Wealthfront, the largest software-based financial advisor, and Dr. Pat Basu, CMO of Doctor on Demand, an app that connects patients to physicians via mobile phones, will discuss how to disrupt an industry whose incumbents aren't up to speed with technology and how to build trust with these audiences. Adam Nash, Pat Basu Dual • Intermediate • #cashcure 3:30 PM Hilton: Salon JK Always Be Innovating: Thinking Like a Startup Startups rave about innovation, but how does it work within a large company? And how do you keep the wheels of innovation turning without cannibalizing your money- making product? EasilyDo, Zite and Tagged executives will provide an in-depth look at how to inject originality and novelty into your company, regardless of size. Greg Tseng, Hetal Pandya, Mark Johnson Panel • Intermediate • #SxInnovate 5:00 PM Hilton: Room 616AB Time to Put the Brakes on Accelerators? There are now hundreds of accelerator programs around the world. Can the model be improved to better de-risk development and find a market fit sooner? Or is the studio model pioneered by the likes of Betaworks and Makeshift the future of early- stage startups? Paul Smith, Tristan Watson Core Conversation • Intermediate • #accelerate 5:00 PM Hilton: Salon F Killed By Code: Freedom in My Heart & Everywhere When Karen discovered she had a life threatening heart condition, the last thing she expected was to have to worry about software. Join Karen in a discussion about some of the hacks which show how essential free and open source software is and will discuss her professional and personal view of the issues as a patient and as a cyborg lawyer. Karen Sandler Solo • Beginner • #HearTTech 5:00 PM Hilton: Salon G Make It Rain: The New Healthcare Funding Landscape Digital Health is a burgeoning space, with relatively few prolific angel and venture investors, but entrepreneurs are getting creative about finding capital. This presenta- tion will dissect the funding options for various healthcare entrepreneurs at any stage to help them navigate and get in front of the right one for them. Amy Lesnick, Andrew Farquharson, Halle Tecco Panel • Intermediate • #wellfund 5:00 PM Hilton: Salon JK Why It Pays Not to Rush the Process of Innovation In the era of Kickstarter, we have become trained to believe being the fastest to mar- ket is better than patiently developing an idea. As a result, hopeful entrepreneurs too often rush the creative and engineering process to claim the coveted moniker of "first." Anki and Nest prove that when there is passion and dedication behind a project, tak- ing time is the smartest path to success. Austin Carr, Boris Sofman, Matt Rogers Panel • Beginner • #innovation SATURDAY, MARCH 8 9:30 AM Hilton: Room 616AB Why We Need a Federal Life Science Startup Package Question: How can governments act to spur the process of innovation to help address unmet medical needs and enable quicker life cycles for the development of more and better products and solutions. Amy Millman, Joan Fallon Core Conversation • Intermediate • #LSFedPkg 9:30 AM Hilton: Salon F Five Ways Health Decisions Don't Make Sense Give patients and providers the most information in plain language, and you'll im- prove their capacity for making good decisions. This is not so. I'll present established and original research suggesting five major findings that directly challenge and com- plicate this assumption. And I'll offer implications and correctives for designing and evaluating decision aides in health and other industries. Aimee Roundtree Solo • Intermediate • #Dcisionaid FESTIVAL SESSIONS