Interactive 2014

SXSW Interactive 2014 Program Guide

SXSW Interactive 2014 Program Guide: Tomorrow Happens Here

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MONDAY, MARCH 10 11:00 AM Ballroom E Increase Sales with a Sonic Logo In 12 minutes you will learn how to utilize music to enhance any branding project to ultimately increase your sales and fans. Sound good? Cheryl Engelhardt How New Technologies Have Transformed Orchestras Learn what a person with limited resources can achieve without sales, marketing, programming and artistic administration professionals. Richard McKay Decoding the VC Psyche How can you exploit common VC psychological traits to your advantage in the fundraising process. Geoff Lewis When to Pivot: A 163-Year-Old Company's Evolution Amex created a new division to operate like a startup inside the company. Hear what's worked, what hasn't, and the current mission. Dan Schulman 11:00 AM Ballroom F Why Your Non-Profit Needs Millennials Volunteers, board members, and donors alike—learn how you can engage and benefit from Millennials. Felicia Bates Social Media Etiquette Makes or Breaks Fundraisers Social media helps you take your fundraiser everywhere your audience goes, so the potential reach is endless. Lesley Mansford Doing Good & Making Money WebThriftStore CEO Douglas Krugman discusses how nonprofits use social media and WebThriftStore to en- gage donors and raise money for charity. Douglas Krugman Charity Porn: Sell Programs, Not People Sell programs, not people. Social entrepreneur Ned Bre- slin is disrupting the non-profit norm with digital cam- paigns focused on impact. Ned Breslin 12:30 PM Ballroom E Discussion's Over: New Domains Are Here The Internet has started to welcome hundreds of new domain extensions. Get the practical advice you need to advance or protect your brand. Jeremiah Johnston Making Money in the Small Business Market Few companies generate $100+ million annually by sell- ing to small businesses. Yodle CEO Court Cunningham discusses how to succeed in local. Court Cunningham Creepy to Cool: Fine Lines in Audience Analytics P.S. Marketers: It is easy to go from "cool" to "creepy" in a blink of an eye if you don't know who you are targeting. Graeme Noseworthy Not the Size that Matters, It's How You Use It Big data doesn't matter. Big ideas do. Stan Humphries explains why bigger data isn't always better data. Stan Humphries 12:30 PM Ballroom F Scaling Radical Empowerment Through Technology Emerging tech tools and platforms will empower billions across the globe to change their lives and communities by 2015. Find out how. #mpowertech Amanda Kloer Viral Crowdfunding: Story, Team & Gamification How can we tell our story, manage a team and leverage lessons from gaming to maximize the virality and suc- cess of our crowdfunding campaign? Matthew Bishop Gen Y Sugar Daddy: The Technophilanthropist Technophilanthropists are the new Sugar Daddies for charities. Big Bucks + Big Data + Social = MASSIVE IMPACT Tamarah Black The World Bank & Innovation: Striking Poverty Interested in tech for good? Join José-Manuel Bassat from the World Bank to hear how they are inspiring innovative ideas to strike poverty. José-Manuel Bassat 3:30 PM Ballroom E Designing Democracy: Raising Our Civic IQ Artefact's Rob Girling as he demonstrates how design can help people reach consensus for more civil discourse. Rob Girling Tweet & Protect: Humanizing Authority with Social Social media turned Big Brother upside down. Cops use it to increase transparency, and citizens can bring about justice like never before. Ashley Jane Brookes Torture Porn: Why Trafficking Is Seducing Media Sex worker/advocate Alex (Sabrina) Morgan will uncover how current trafficking narratives harm both sex workers and the trafficked. Alex Morgan Think Small About Big Civic Engagement Data Leaders can strengthen American communities by thinking small about big civic engagement data, hyperlocalize it into actionable insights. Nick Bowden 3:30 PM Ballroom F Notdesign or What You Don't Know Notdesigners are capable thinkers and problem solvers, they bring levity to our work, and we need to embrace them in order to succeed. Jonty Sharples Work Making You Sick? Healthy Workplace Fixes Identify and correct unhealthy workplace habits to increase energy, focus and productivity. Learn to be your best self at work and beyond. Chris Boyce Think, Act, & Create Like a Mashup Steps that creatives can take to mash their way to success. Felicia Pride Mentor Me: How Mentorships Make Us Better & Happy Can mentorships provide more than just success in the workplace? Can they also increase creativity, innovative behavior, or even happiness? David Avalon 5:00 PM Ballroom E The Future of Government- Citizen Interaction Location-based services, collaboration and social media are the next steps towards efficient government- citizen interaction. Surya Yalamanchili The Giant Has Awakened: Building Brands in Brazil How multinational marketers can succeed in Brazil's $1.6 trillion consumer market. Will Palley Gov2.0: Enhancing Citizen-Politician Interactions Create a single repository for constituent issues, find and manage "hot-button" issues, and complete a feed- back loop with constituents. Albert Nichols The Broken Politics of Environment: A Tech Fix? Environmental politics are broken. We must create habits of environmental health through technology, social media and the marketplace. Ken Cook 5:00 PM Ballroom F Productivity: Effectively Scaling Yourself In order to scale yourself, it's not what you read, it's what you ignore. Scott Hanselman Algorithms & Open Courses: A Match for Job Seekers This session will present examples of how algorithms are creating a more personalized, social, and meaning- ful student learning experience. Michael Mayrath PhD Fight for Delight Club: Start a Design Revolution Start a design-thinking movement within your company without anyone knowing about it! Bennett Blank SXSW 2014 Interactive Festival 172 173 SXSW 2014 Interactive Festival FUTURE 15 SESSIONS ACC, LEVEL 4 [BALLROOMS E & F]: 500 E CESAR CHAVEZ STREET SPECIAL PROGRAMS

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