SCORE Journal Issue 3-2015

SCORE Journal - The Official Publication of SCORE Off-Road Racing

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Page 21 of 85

V10POWER HITS THE DESERT THE TAYLOR MILLS TEAM SEEKS A SCORE UNLIMITED TROPHY TRUCK CHAMPIONSHIP WITH A NEW 900 HP V10 MONSTER What do you do after spending a couple of years in a limited class and end up winning the 2014 Championship? If you are the SCORE Trophy Truck Spec champ Taylor Mills you look up! Specifically to the pinnacle of desert racing, the Unlimited Trophy Truck class. The Mills Motorsports team only had to finish the 2014 SCORE Baja 1000 to claim the title, but after a 100 mph crash early in the race, the team had to pull out all the stops to get the job done. The crew is largely made up of active and retired military, special operations personnel, law enforcement and firefighters. Each chase and pit crew is modeled after a U.S. Operational Detachment Alpha team. Much like the Special Forces A Teams,

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