
March / April 2012

Monthly newspaper and online publication targeting 18 to 35 year olds. The ultimate guide to the hottest parties, going out and having fun. Music, fashion, film, travel, festivals, technology, comedy, and parties! London, Barcelona, Miami and Ibiza.

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2 THE GUESTLIST NETWORK ONLINE Updates on the latest events with more news and competitions. Facebook The Guestlist Network More free fun and more competitions. Twitter @guestlistdotnet Follow us for instant gratification.. iPhone The Guestlist Network app. Install The Guestlist Network iPhone app for fun while on the move! Youtube GUESTLIST NETWORK / GNTV For all our hot videos iGoloco iGoLoco for iPhones Event information anytime. THREE prizes in one : 2 x tickets to Real Playaz @ Fabric on March 24th, MP3 release and, our favourite, a Real Playaz mug. Perfect for our fifteen cups of tea per day. Promoters and venues put up listings online for you guys so get on to and find out the best par- tays in the city for you. WIN! Calling all junglists: enter our competition for two tickets to Jungle Mania on February 18th @ Scala. p52 EDITOR'S NOTE ISSUE INSIDE THIS THE GUESTLIST NETWORK 9 Big Nights Out 14 Carl Cox interview Wassup people? So here it is, the March issue, packed to bursting with fun features, the latest hot releases and interviews with Carl Cox, John B, Benga. Rusko, Labrinth, Anthea and Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr. Summer is on its way, and to celebrate we've selected three of London's finest daytime parties, our Sunshine Sessions. We've got competitions, reviews, recipes, traveller's tips, fashion and festival previews—something for everyone. Get online and check out GNTV at, where you'll also find comprehensive club listings to help you choose the best possible night out. If you're into your hip- hop or your liquid drum & bass, seek us out at Jamais Vu, our very own night with resident DJ Fabio, held every Sunday from eight till two at The Horse and Groom, Shoreditch. Until next month, stay safe, sane and street savvy. We'll see you on the other side. SPOTTED! TECHNOLOGY 16 Pioneer DJM-850 review FESTIVALS 18 3 London festivals you can't miss 20 3 Croatian festivals you can't miss TRAVEL 21 The road less traveled 225 Reasons to go to Amsterdam FILM 24 Project X 25 The Hunger Games FASHION 26 Insidious Elegance 28 Lucifer Jewllery HOUSE / TECHNO 30 Anthea interview 32 Artist of the Month CONTACTS PUBLISHER Oshi Okomilo EDITOR Tabatha Taylor OPERATIONS MANAGER Annalisa Haycock ASSISTANT EDITORS Alfie Hatt Jenny Jahans Christi Warren KEY ACC. MANAGER Berry Salisbury GRP.ADVERTISING DIRECTOR Wahid Omer PROJECT MANAGER Sam Applebee SALES EXECUTIVES Nathan Evanson DESIGNERS Alex Deruette Zoe Savitz Bana Toutounjee WRITERS Joe Le Groove Giulia Pezzulo Fin Carew Mr. Wondah Robert Gould Lea Bescond Daniel Muldoon Sunida Webb Rhea Calloo Kimberley Tough Venetta Shaw Elodie Manceau Pierre-Baptiste Kimberley Kadenhe Yu Huang Stanislava Andreea Tatiana Simonova Craig Anoff Sid Elbadawi Gary Rampling Charlotte Patterson Lucy Danby Adam Tiran CLUB LISTINGS Send us a picture of yourself reading The Guestlist Network and win a big night out! Send your pics to HIP HOP / RNB 34 Labrinth interview 36 Hip Hop legend DnB / BREAKS / DUBSTEP 39 John B interview 40 Benga interview 44 Dale Earnhardt Jr Jr Interview 45 Guestlist Recommends 47 Aaron Silk interview 48 Bob Marley Documentary 37 INDIE / ROCK / ALTERNATIVE 43 REGGAE / DANCEHALL 47 33 26 29 24 21 18 2 16 Issue 37 / MAR-APR 2012 ONLY ON THE WEB WIN!

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