The Wolverine

December 2015 Issue

The Wolverine: Covering University of Michigan Football and Sports

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this many goals or assists' because then you start focusing on things that can get you away from what you do well," Motte said. "But losing a lot of offense from last year's team, I knew I would be getting more ice time overall and on the power play this year, and I came into the season with a mindset that I had to capitalize more often on my opportunities." A f o u r t h - ro u n d s e l e c t i o n o f the Chicago Blackhawks in 2013, Motte has an "average NHL shot" according to a scout at Michigan's home games this season, but he's the kind of player that could fit well on a third line because he grinds out shifts and makes good on his scoring opportunities. "He knows what to do with the puck but he's not a guy where the puck just jumps off his stick," the scout shared. "He's scored a couple goals this year the way I'd expect him to — getting pucks on the net, being in the right spot at the right time. "He's not going to pinpoint one After six games, Motte led the Wolverines with four goals scored, nearly equaling half of his season-long tally (nine) from the past two years. PHOTO BY LON HORWEDEL

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