The Wolverine

February 2016

The Wolverine: Covering University of Michigan Football and Sports

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  MICHIGAN HOCKEY because Martin earned a game dis‑ qualification for fighting in the wan‑ ing seconds of the Wolverines' 8‑6 victory over OSU Jan. 17. The game DQ carries with it an automatic one‑ game suspension. Piazza is ready and willing to do his part. "At this point last year, I was not near being able to be a regular guy, but I've taken a lot of strides since then and feel like I could be in the lineup every night now," he said. "I have to keep doing my best in prac‑ tice and hopefully the coaches give me another opportunity, and then when I get that chance, I have to take advantage and play well." ❏ Favorite U-M Class: "Sports Management 217. It was a career planning class, where you do résumés and learn interview skills and how to network. It was one of my more challenging classes, but I got a lot out of it." Best Meal He Can Cook By Himself: "I actually pride myself on being able to cook pretty decently, but I'd have to say grilling steak with mashed potatoes and vegetables." Movie He'd Give Two Thumbs Up To: "I'm a big 'Star Wars' fan and I thought they did a really good job with it." Role Model: "My dad, Kevin. He was a very hard-working guy. He has his own business in Victoria as an electrical contractor. He's just one of those guys that is very genuine, and I can't say enough about what he's done for my hockey career, and my mom too. They set a good example for me." Hockey Idol: "Nicklas Lidstrom is the guy I idolized growing up. And right now, I'd say my two favorites are Roman Josi from the Nashville Predators or Oliver Ekman-Larsson of the Arizona Coyotes." Other Sports He Enjoys: "I enjoy playing golf. Baseball, I'm not good, but we had a rec-league team last year and I enjoyed playing. And then college football … not so much when I was living in Canada, but living in Michigan it's hard to ignore and it's really grown on me." Best Venue He's Played In (Beside Yost): "I'm a big fan of playing at Penn State. When I got here my freshman year they had a brand-new rink and we've developed a hell of a rivalry against those guys. The way their student section is set up, they're right on top of us and they do a good job of giving us the business." One Word To Describe Red Berenson: "Legend." Major: "Sports management." His Michigan Experience: "Unforgettable. It goes by way too fast. You hear all the seniors talk about that and you don't think it will be you someday, but they're right and I'm trying to enjoy every moment that I have. I could never imagine myself having so much fun or creating so many friendships." — Michael Spath

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