6 GUESTLIST www.guestlist.net
Do you want to be a graphic designer? Then Shillington College is the right place to go. The
college Graphics, precedes the Shillington Sydney-based design studio founded in 1989.
Some people love to make long speeches and are good with words; others prefer visual communication to express themselves. up
They will a webpage, make
rather a
set poster or a flyer or hand out a business
If you are one of those who think that a picture is worth a
thousand involves words, many graphic
designing is your thing, a creative way to communicate that
aspects, as graphic design is a part of everything we see and
card than make a phone call to introduce themselves.
touch. In Shillington College you'll be taught by outstanding designers and get top design jobs, and graduate with a professional in-depth theory Suite.
portfolio and
knowledge the
Adobe and of www.shillingtoncollege.co.uk For more info visit: an design Creative
A world-class higher education institution in London innovating in digital media and design
Issue 45 / 2012
Join Us Bookings at
marcomm@rave.ac.uk www.rave.ac.uk
photography by Morley Von Sterberg
@Stand 3
Design your Future ExCeL
Exhibition Centre 14 - 15
November 2012
@The Big Space Penrose Festival Ravensbourne 20 - 21
November 2012
@UG Open Day Ravensbourne 8
December 2012