Impact Reports

305000 - ESG Report

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21 Diverse Speakers Represent Maxar Each year, we encourage and seek out opportunities for our diverse team members to speak at public and industry events and in 2021 we increased our numbers of diverse presenters by 25%, enabling deeper conversations with different perspectives. When people see and listen to speakers from diverse backgrounds at our company, they are better able to see themselves as potential employees. At World Space Week 2021, Sook Lee Yoh, our Senior Manager of Asia Pacific Customer Success, and Anna Rubino, a Mission Director, spoke on a panel about Women in Space, while Jenny Gerson, our Director of Sustainability, gave a presentation about space sustainability initiatives. Lisa Jones, Vice President of U.S. Government Programs, was also on a panel at Space Tech Expo 2021. Tony Frazier, Maxar's Executive Vice President and General Manager of Public Sector Earth Intelligence, spoke at nine events throughout the year on subjects ranging from geospatial intelligence to artificial intelligence to national security. Hampton Chan, Vice President of Mission Engineering, discussed the future of flexible satellites at a panel for AVIA Satellite Industry Forum and Atif Qureshi, Program Manager, presented about robotic space technology at several events including the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics' SciTech and ASCEND conferences. We value the health and safety of all our team members. It is vital to our successful operations across all areas of our business, including manufacturing and satellite operations environments and customer work sites. We have taken significant actions over the past two years to address risk factors associated with COVID-19 and business continuity: ■ We implemented a COVID-19 Vaccine Policy requiring Maxar team members to be vaccinated for COVID-19 unless they have an approved accommodation. As an interim step to implementing this policy, we provided free daily on-site testing for our unvaccinated population. ■ We conducted several pulse surveys of our team members, with special focus on our COVID-19 response and opportunities for improvement, to ensure we understood and could proactively address team member concerns. ■ We focused on continuous communication and resources for team members, including open question-and-answer forums, health and safety updates, enhanced mental health benefits and counseling, exposure notifications and travel information. ■ We continually monitor and assess team member status at all our locations to ensure we are always operating in ways that are safe for all stakeholders. ■ Our COVID-19 Response Team, composed of business leaders from Internal Operations, Human Resources (HR), Information Technology (IT) and other groups, meets regularly to keep apprised of scientific, community and regulatory developments, and to provide informed and timely guidance to the business. Keeping Team Members Safe Through the Continuing Pandemic

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