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305000 - ESG Report

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55 Our large communication satellites have long been the standard for performance versus cost. Recently we have led the use of solar electric propulsions (SEP) systems that reduce the amount of propellant needed to transfer large commercial communication satellites into Geosynchronous Equatorial Orbit (GEO). SEP is also enabling two critical NASA missions: Psyche, which will rendezvous with an asteroid; and PPE, an essential power and propulsion element of the Lunar Gateway. The Power and Propulsion Element is pioneering the use of Roll Out Solar Arrays (ROSAs), which convert solar energy into electrical energy. PPE will use a ROSA capable of generating 55 KWs of electric power—the largest amount of solar power generated by any spacecra other than the Space Station. The combination of SEPs and ROSAs enable the use of smaller, less expensive, reusable launch vehicles, dramatically reducing consumption of natural resources and fossil fuels. artist rendering of psyche artist rendering of Power and Propulsion Element (PPE)

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