The Wolverine

August 2018

The Wolverine: Covering University of Michigan Football and Sports

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AUGUST 2018 THE WOLVERINE 5   FROM OUR READERS Predictions on the upcoming foot- ball season … • The defense is one unit we can rely on. On offense, our left tackle worries me against Ohio and Notre Dame. However, the defense carries us against Notre Dame — it's the first game so defense wins. At MSU, hmmm … I cannot think Jim Harbaugh will not be better prepared. Against Wisconsin, their defense has lost key players, and the offense is pretty predictable. Versus Penn State, quarterback Trace McSorley is good. My prediction is 11-1 if quarterback Shea Patterson is what we hope. Ohio continues to be a thorn. Kaiser • We're going unbeaten until proven otherwise. We need the offensive line to be a 7.5 out of 10 or better, and Shea to be what he's expected to be, which is a difference maker. He doesn't have to be Heisman good, but he needs to be a top-three Big Ten quarterback. Lastly, I truly think this could be a generational defense that we discuss for years down the road, like the 1997 defense. I predict a championship! phoenixblue • We are returning a top-10 defense. Our head coach not long ago was con- sidered one of the best — college or pro. We have an elite talent at the most important position in the sport. We have big-time experience at running back times two. And we're Michigan … let's win the Big Ten for the first time in 14 years, then let the chips fall. aparent1969 • The Big Ten will be a bloodbath. I'm just hoping we beat MSU and OSU, and win at least nine games prior to bowl season. Offensive tackle and play calling still scare me. MbrankinW • I think this is an extremely tough schedule with just too many tough games to go without 2-3 losses. It's amazing to see so many have such confidence, and I really want to be- lieve this is our year. I believe we will have an amazing year if we only lose two games. We may jell, our O-line might come together, our backs may run for 2,500 yards, our wide receivers may finally get separation and score 20 touch- downs — but that's what it will take to win 10 alone with this schedule. Then again, that's if the defense con- trols the fourth quarter in big games this year. Lots of ifs, but hey, whoever thought MSU would do as well as they did last year? We have to win that one so I don't have to listen to my son-in-law diss us again. He thinks they hammer us again this year because they're loaded and we can't contain their quarterback or most run-pass option teams. MTrain • I think we have a very good season, again, and lose to OSU … again. Until I actually see Michigan take their game to "the next level" against OSU (to match the Buckeyes in that category), I cannot pick us. I've seen this movie too many times over the last 10-15 years. But I will predict plenty of Michigan bluster in advance of the game from players, coaches and fans, with plenty of "this year will be different" … just like we have seen on several occasions over the last 10-15 years. Talk is cheap, and OSU has stolen our lunch money for way too long. So as much as I want us to beat OSU, I think we find a way to lose to them … again. A2Jim • 12-0 and then we'll see what hap- pens in the Playoff. The talent is there, the experience is there, the depth is there and the coaching is there. All excuses are gone now. The schedule isn't easy by any means, but way too many people are terrified of it. Good teams win on the road and beat their rivals on the road. There's no reason that Michigan is incapable of beating anyone on its schedule, re- cords and history be damned. Tempus1225 • I'm at 11-1, but could see 10-2. I just can't envision anything less than that. This team is absolutely stacked. We should set the record for players drafted next year. There is no ceiling in my opinion. It's time to win — period. nlaws33 • 10-2 with bookend schedule losses to Notre Dame in the first game and Ohio State in the last game. After the loss to Notre Dame, U-M wins 10 straight and will be ranked in the top 5-10 when they play at OSU. 10-2 with those two losses likely gives U-M a New Year's Six bowl game with a chance at 11 wins against a really good team. Elway4u2nv • We repeat 1997 and run the table. The end. NCalBlue86 On former Michigan sharpshooter Duncan Robinson signing a two- way contract with the Miami Heat after standing out in NBA Summer League play … • It's pretty crazy how much he im- proved this year. He was struggling big time earlier in the season. Now he looks like he belongs on an NBA roster. It's a testament to his hard work, espe- cially in the weight room. pickles24 • Never saw that coming, awesome news for Duncan. Hail_Blue • Division III to the NBA, what a jour- ney. It just speaks to the job John Beilein and his staff continue to do in regards to player development! chuckwoodson#2 • Wow. Duncan Robinson is likely to log NBA minutes. Take a moment to cogitate on that one. And think about this — if [former head coach] Mike Maker doesn't leave Williams for the Marist job, who's to say that Robinson wouldn't have just stayed at Williams and become a superstar there (but with no chance of even considering playing in the NBA)? Felix • He has been playing really well. Well-deserved. I'll be honest, his de- fense has surprised me. He has really worked hard over the last year. Good for him! BigMMan504 • Happy for D-Rob. Cool to me as this means Michigan had an NBA guy com- ing off the bench last year. Michigan hoops has come a long way. wvmarsh From Our Website

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