Interactive 2014

SXSW Interactive 2014 Program Guide

SXSW Interactive 2014 Program Guide: Tomorrow Happens Here

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SXSW 2014 Interactive Festival 134 135 SXSW 2014 Interactive Festival SOCIAL & PRIVACY SHERATON AUSTIN: 701 E 11TH STREET 5:00 PM Sheraton: Creekside That Was the Old Me: Managing Online Reputation One in 10 young job applicants has been denied due to their online reputation. Com- panies are now more concerned with employees' personal behavior and brands are leveraging customer data for increased sales. Meanwhile, many of us are caught up in being part of the online world that we fail to realize the overall impression of our digital identity. Bryan Hjelm, Parry Aftab Dual • Beginner • #SXRep MONDAY, MARCH 10 9:30 AM Sheraton: Capitol ABCD Closing the Curtain on the Theatrics of Social All the world's a stage, and everyone is using social networks to play the part and edit the perfect version of their lives. What happened to the realness? Let's ditch the pre- tense and get back to what we actually care about: Keeping in touch with the people in our lives in an authentic way. Hear from Path and Highlight about why and how we can go back to being our real selves online. Cynthia Samanian, Paul Davison Dual • Intermediate • #realself 9:30 AM Sheraton: Capitol EFGH Hashtag Intervention: Why #BlackGirlsRun Toni Carey and Ashley Hicks created Black Girls RUN! ® to tackle the growing obesity epidemic in the African American community. Today, BGR! is a movement over 60,000 women in running groups across the nation. How did one message grow to impact the lives of over 100,000 social media users daily? In this panel, the co-founders of BGR! will discuss the role of social media in empowering women. Ashley Hicks, Felicia Harris, Toni Carey Panel • Intermediate • #bgrsxsw 9:30 AM Sheraton: Capitol View South How Douchebags Ruined Dating Online dating is painful. Women get spammy messages and nice guys can't get no- ticed through the noise. We'll explore the ways that douchey guys have ruined online dating for the rest of us—and what we can do about it! Elissa Shevinsky Core Conversation • Intermediate • #DatingDBs 9:30 AM Sheraton: Creekside Humans Matter Most in CyberSecurity, Not Firewalls This panel explores the human aspect of cyber security. Panelists will compare prin- ciples of social engineering, digital influence and the tradecraft used to penetrate networks both social and hardware-based. Panelists will also discuss why adversaries attack and offer recommendations for securing humans against socially engineered cyber attacks. Chris Dufour, Chris Hadnagy, Jon Iadonisi, Nicole Tatrow Panel • Advanced • #SXcyber 11:00 AM Sheraton: Capitol ABCD Offline: Navigating Constant Connectivity In 2012, Paul Miller left the Internet. During his year offline, he embarked on a journey of self-discovery, documenting his experiences. Does logging off allow us a return to a more meaningful life? Or when we leave, do we find that the distractions were with us all along? Join Rabbi Mordechai Lightstone & Paul Miller in a conversation about the network that binds us together and drives us apart. Mordechai Lightstone, Paul Miller Dual • Beginner • #SXOffline 11:00 AM Sheraton: Capitol EFGH Is It Possible to Change Someone's View Online? As anonymous sites change how people are learning about a variety of life experi- ences, how is this disrupting other forms of media and changing the way people shape their opinions? Fruzsina Eorgogh, Marta Gossage, Neil Williams, Nika Nour Panel • Beginner • #OLViews 11:00 AM Sheraton: Capitol View South Is Facebook Making Houses of Worship Go Extinct? In the Core Conversation "Is Facebook Making Houses of Worship Go Extinct?" we plan to discuss how social media has changed the role of the religious meeting place. We plan to examine how communal religious spaces are needing to adapt to be more than just the physical space people come to pray, but to also places that foster con- nections and relationships in new, innovative and experiential ways. Rebecca Saidlower, Susanne Goldstone Rosenhouse Core Conversation • Intermediate • #faithbook 11:00 AM Sheraton: Creekside Hacking Surveillance Culture This panel will examine technology-based surveillance culture by using individual proj- ects, such as hacking in-store Apple computers and recreating people's faces in 3D printed portraits based on DNA trails left on everyday items, as jumping off points. All panelists, consciously or not, hacked the modern surveillance state and their experi- ences will guide our discussion. Adam Harvey, Colin Nagy, Heather Dewey-Hagborg, Kyle McDonald Panel • Intermediate • #sxeavsdrop 12:30 PM Sheraton: Capitol ABCD ART140: Twitter, Picasso & the Social Experiment Art means something unique to each of us, but the invitation to participate in art has never been extended. By harnessing the power of Twitter, we're inviting people from all walks of life to express what specific works of art mean to them. Through data, we'll highlight what the differences between us really mean, and reveal what happened through a live ART140 experiment. Adam Bain, David Stocks Dual • Intermediate • #art140 12:30 PM Sheraton: Capitol EFGH Entertainment Marketing in the Age of the SuperFan Do you know who your SuperFans are? Passionate fanbases have been influential for decades, but the expansion of digital and social media has changed how you connect with those fanbases, and how they connect with each other. This panel explores how and why fandoms develop and how to connect with those SuperFans in genuine effec- tive ways that maximize their fan experience and your brand presence. Caty Burgess, David Hayes, Michael Tritter, Rae Votta Panel • Intermediate • #SXSfandom 12:30 PM Sheraton: Capitol View South The Future of Childhood Noted parenting expert Catherine Steiner-Adair and teacher David McCullough Jr., whose message to teens, "You Are Not Special," took the Web by storm, discuss how technology is affecting families, how parents are affecting children, and how we can prepare for the future—the future of childhood. Catherine Steiner-Adair EdD, David McCullough Jr Core Conversation • Beginner • #futurekids 12:30 PM Sheraton: Creekside Panopticon to Pinterest: A History of Surveillance Jeremy Bentham designed the panopticon prison system which creates the illusion of constant surveillance. This session will use the panopticon as a model for understand- ing the roles of modern surveillance systems, and the strategies behind them. This session will also guide you through the technological advances that have fueled the evolution of surveillance. Ceren Paydas Solo • Intermediate • #iseeyou 3:30 PM Sheraton: Capitol ABCD We Know What You Did Last Summer; Location Data Soon we will have the ability to know where everyone is all the time. We will have some fun seeing how people are dealing with that today, and think practically how we use that opportunity for good in the future. Our phones, apps, shared photos, tweets, and messages all give us opportunities to share our location constantly, which many of us do without thinking. Julian Green, Tyler Bell Dual • Advanced • #Location FESTIVAL SESSIONS

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