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Step 1 Sanitisation 10 Sanitisation is the process of keeping the pool water free of germs and bacteria by using various disinfectants. Chlorine (the most common disinfectant) takes time to work so it is imperative to make sure the recommended chlorine levels are maintained at all times. Failure to do so results in algae, bacteria and unsanitary water which is often very costly to fix. FACT: Did you know that many household cleaners are diluted forms of chlorine, or commonly used chemicals that are used in swimming pools? Check out some of your household cleaners. If the active constituent (the chemical they contain and appears on the label) says Sodium Hypochlorite then that is a very weak solution of Liquid Chlorine, usually 3.3% to 5%. It is the same product that we put in our swimming pools only in a weaker solution. In Australia Liquid Pool Chlorine has a normal strength of 10% - 12%. There are other granulated chlorine products (also referred to as dry) that are much stronger, which are used in swimming pool sanitisation.