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Pool Care Easy as 1 2 3

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However - If the chlorine level is low you should shock with a chlorine product. Pool Pro has three different 500g packs designed for shocking. Each one is suitable for different pool interiors. Add these according to directions. Super chlorination This treatment is similar to Shock Treatment with the exception that it is done only using chlorine. Usually it is 3 - 5 times the normal dose of chlorine. It destroys algae, organic contaminants, bacteria and oxidises chloramines eradicating that horrible chloramine (chlorine) smell. Remember that these contaminants if they are in the pool water will also be hiding out in the pipes, pump and filter! The pool should be super chlorinated following heavy bather loads or at least on a monthly basis. Tip: Even if you have a salt water chlorinator (it may be automatic), it doesn't know that you have had lots of people in the pool – or that the dog has been swimming or that the wind has blown many contaminants into the pool. Therefore it doesn't know to add more chlorine. No matter what pool you have shock treatment and super chlorination are important. It's ok to let your dog swim; you will just have to add more sanitiser/ chlorine. 12

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