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WHEN DID YOU GUYS DECIDE TO JOIN FORCES AND CREATE AZIMUTE? C: We met almost 5 years ago and clicked pretty fast but it's not until we started working on Quenum's album on my label Serialism Records that we decided jumping in the studio together and jam..a couple years ago.. Q: Yes but we actually started working together before jumping in the day I woke up inspired and thought: "let's make some music together, if it's like our friendship it will be killer. YOU HAVE YOUR FIRST RELEASE OUT ON DAMIAN LAZARUS CROSSTOWN REBELS LABEL AND ITS BEEN GETTING RAVE REVIEWS. WHAT OTHER RELEASES HAVE YOU GOT IN THE PIPELINE? C: After our EP on Crosstown Rebels scheduled for the 20th of October on vinyl and 3rd November digital we have a queue of prepared things coming out step-by-step..we are opening the Yakazi label (new imprint of the FACT team in Barcelona) with a record "Different Samba"out in end of November..and then the almighty Transmat by the legendary Detroit master Derrick May then a record on Serialism scheduled as first of 2015... Q: We also have our vinyl only label Azimute music, its dedicated only on our sound with a release every 3/4 months.. just for the vinyl lovers, the old way ;) BESIDES AZIMUTE YOU BOTH ARE DOING COLABORATIONS AS QUENUM AND CESARE VS DISORDER, WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE? C: Oh yes, the Yakazi record for instance comes out as Quenum & Cesare vs Disorder..but not so much of a difference..we simply wrote those tunes before the Azimute name was born. HOW DO YOU GUYS WORK WHEN IT COMES TO JUMPING IN THE STUDIO? C: Different ways..all depends from our personal touring and life, on where we meet and of course inspiration.. Q: Sometimes Cesare sends me a big hook and if inspired (always when i get stuff from Cez!) I build it into a tune or sometimes the opposite..i send an idea to him and he sends me back a massive tune. When we meet in the studio we like to jam instead, mostly at my studio in Geneva.. it's my baby, there is where I've brought to life some of my best work in the last decade.. J: YOU GUYS ALSO HAVE YOUR NEW VINYL ONLY LABEL LAUNCHING VERY SOON? C: It's called Azimute also, a platform for our deeper side, vinyl only, 100% for Lovers..the old way. Q: Yes, we actually are gonna release there some of our finest and most avant-garde side... WHAT PLANS HAVE YOU GUYS GOT IN STORE FOR 2015? C: A lot of traveling, a lot of releases on dope labels, music for films..a lot of shows under our Serialism and Azimute brands..a lot in our minds and in the master plan. Q: yes, that's about it..of course we both will also concentrate on our families..sometimes is hard..I have a beautiful wife since long time and very cool kids that rock between New York and London..and Cesare also loves to spend time with his soulmate and's important part of our lives... AND I HEAR YOU GUYS ALSO BEEN WORKING ON PROJECTS ALONE THAT WILL FOLLOW YOUR AZIMUTE RAISE TO THE SKY..? C: Yes, we will be very concentrated on the Azimute project, we honestly think this is our future for a while but of course we are also independent artists with a different story behind so some personal project will keep going's needed.I was also concentrated on breaking through the film industry and step by step I'm getting in thanks to my wife.. Fernanda from False Manners Production (the other half is my sister Federica, how cool is that!)..this year i did the soundtrack for her Short film"Open the door" and by now it has been nominated at the 31st Tehran Film Festival in the official selection (it's actually screened these days)..this was a great opportunity and really inspired me to do more.. Q: I agree with Cesare, it's normal we'll keep working alone also, we live in separate cities, myself between Geneva and London, him in Berlin and touring [is] always hard anyways..when inspiration comes I also jump in the studio and keep spreading the Quenum sound..I will release a record on my label Clapper for sure, has been a while and I'm proud of what Dachshund and me put together in the last few years..and I have few more records planned on some major labels, also can't reveal yet but looks like I will touch base with more of my favorite labels..and a couple of remixes for some legendary artists..and with the Serialism Team we will keep developing the "Quenum & Legends" party concept and spread it around the world ..last time Derrick May was my guest in Munich at Bobbeaman club..what a party! I can tell you already we have the next one planned very soon, and its gonna be a killer one ;) 7 13 Issue 68 / 2014 HOUSE / ELECTRIC " One day I woke up inspired and thought: "let's make some music together, if it's like our friendship it will be killer." " follow @DariusSyrossia Joe le Groove | Azimute is a new musical project combining the energies of rising star techno and house DJ-producer Cesare Marchese, and DJ-producer Philippe Quenum. Joe Le Groove catches up with them to talk plans, friends, labels and inspirations.