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INDIE / 38 ROCK Issue 55 / 2013 IEW RV TE IN Watch pSB on Guestlist's youtube channel GNTV Public Service Broadcasting Wrigglesworth and J. Willgoose from this up-and-coming Indie Band speak to one of our team, Ria, about how they formed and what kind of thing inspires them in their music and videos RIA | Hi guys! Could you tell us a little bit about yourselves and what exactly you do - what's your sound? J. Willgoose: Yep, my name is J. Willgoose, Esquire, and I play the guitar and the banjo and... electric things. Wrigglesworth: My names Wrigglesworth and I play drums and electronic... drums stuff. So could you tell us the process by which you do that? J: Yeah... I kind of find footage that I find interesting or subjects that I find interesting, watch the films then take a few snippets and might have had some musical ideas running around my head anyway and just kind of put it together and hammer it out. I put a basic drum demo and he comes and does the proper drums. That's basically what happens. Could you guys tell us about the beginning, and how did it form? J: That's about 3 years ago. I started on my own about 4 years ago and did my first gig at a local pub. About two years ago Wrigglesworth came on board after a chance meeting in the jacuzzi. W: It was cold. J: Yes it was cold. We were kind of moaning about how cold it was What would you say is one of your favorite lines from the videos? J: The key one from me, is from what I call ROYGBIV- "I believe in this world to come, I believe it's going to be a pretty good world." think about 65% by me, and all the good ones someone else did. What message are you trying to get out? I've heard you say that you're trying to educate, entertain "I'd like people to take away the spirit of positivity really - the sort of faith in humanity" and to keep warm we talked about music and the warm glow it gives us and from there a magical musical partnership if I may say so, was formed. So tell me - you guys use broadcasts and documentaries in your music... could you tell us about that? J: Well yeah we use samples from old public information films and archive footage and cut the bits out that we like and write songs around them and when we play live we kind of screen those films against the songs that we've written around them. We've reversed edit the films to fit our music. That's a good one. Basically, where do you get these films from? J: Quite a few sources actually, some of them are public domains, some of them from the BFI (British Film Institute), and one from Studio Canal who have been very good to us. You kind of scout around, really, and find the footage you're interested in, and then approach the people we need to to get the rights for it- which is the most boring part of it! Do you make the videos yourself or is there someone else who does that? J: Some of the video's I've done, I and...? J: Inform, inform, educate yes, that's the name of the game. What would you like your audience themselves to take away from your music? J: I'd like people to take away the spirit of positivity really, the sort of faith in humanity ultimately and the progress of technology and onwards. The music is absolutely beautiful - do you personally pick out the words, too? J: Yeah - you know, there's kind of a real poetic and sort of lyrical nature to the commentaries back in those days. Which is one of the reasons for using them, because what are you going to use these days? "March of the penguins" with Morgan Freeman…. I mean he does a good job, but there's not much poetry in there so you have to go back a long time to get that. There's another line in it "two very small men cutting steps in the roof of the world" - I'd like to think that for me and Wriggles, straddling the heights that we are musically, it has a dual meaning. You're playing tonight - are you guys excited? J: Yes we are! it has been a while since we've played in London. Definitely check out PSB, they're really unique and beautiful! J & W: Bye! Follow @PSD_HQ