Monthly newspaper and online publication targeting 18 to 35 year olds. The ultimate guide to the hottest parties, going out and having fun. Music, fashion, film, travel, festivals, technology, comedy, and parties! London, Barcelona, Miami and Ibiza.
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2018 / ISSUE 109 5 NEWS However, in the last couple of days, attacks to these institutions have been actioned by the local authorities in Tbilisi, clubs have been shut down and people detained, most of them with no apparent reason. Nevertheless, the answer of the Georgian people was not only to react but to react in the most beautiful way, in a non-violent manner. With their sound systems up in the parliament square of Tbilisi, Georgians have, in their own way, embodied a sort of Underground Resistance ethos. They protested with love and dancing. Yesterday, today and tomorrow, we stand together with them. Georgia is a country that for many bass-heads around Europe has managed to create an incredible electronic music scene. Today, its clubs, sound systems and festivals are renowned worldwide. WORLD NEWS Saudi Arabia opened its first cinema in 35 years, launching in Riyadh with a screening of Marvel megahit Black Panther. The Saudi government plans to build 350 more cinemas by 2030. Filipino lawmakers have drafted new rules to ban journalists who 'besmirch' their reputation from covering the national legislature. The proposed measures have been condemned by reporters as dangerous and constrictive. The New Zealand government has launched a ban on all future off-shore oil and gas exploration. The news was welcomed by Greenpeace as "a huge win for our climate." A new facial recognition system in Delhi has identified almost 3,000 missing children in four days. The technology was used to scan the faces of 45,000 children living in care institutions. Migrant children were allegedly beaten, threatened with sexual violence and repeatedly assaulted under the care of United States Customs and Border Protections in 2009-2014, according to a new report. PHILIPPINES SAUDI ARABIA NEW ZEALAND INDIA US OFF KEY ON POINT ON POINT ON POINT OFF KEY WHO'S ON OR OFF KEY THIS MONTH? @guestlistdotnet GOOD NEWS New juice range in Tesco's to cut waste! Tesco is to stock a range of juices tackling the food waste problem gripping Britain. Waste Not will use 'imperfect' edible fruit & veg, including those shaped oddly or missing storks, to create the juices. Waste Not hopes that in 12 weeks of being on sale around 3.5 tonnes of otherwise surplus fruit & veg will have been sold Cafe that hires the home- less, builds a village for its employees A Scottish sandwich chain, Social Bite, went one step further for its homeless workers by building them their own tiny eco village. During their stay in the village residents will be given an educa- tion, job resources and transitional support, until they can finally be moved to a more permanent accom- modation. The village will house up to 20 homeless people for 12 - 16 months. Party in Ibiza to save the rainforests in Brazil Leading Ibiza clubs Ushuaïa & Hï Ibiza partner with Dance For One Meter to cre- ate the largest conservation initiative in electronic music history. The partnership will allow clubbers to pay an optional €1 to reserve and save 1sqm of rainforest when purchasing tickets online at either of the clubs websites. By using satellite and Google Earth technol- ogy, each guest can redeem and zoom into their coordinates on the Cuipo Foun- dations Rainforest Preserve in Brazil. PEACEFUL PROTEST IN TBILISI AS POLICE RAID NIGHTCLUBS