Issue 71 / 2015
To say Mark Ronson
started 2015 well would
be the same as describing
Mount Everest as a
speed-bump. The man
is absolutely bossing
it. 'Uptown Funk', his
collaboration with Bruno
Mars was number one hit in
the States and is still top of
the charts here. It looks like
it will be top for some time
having sold 25,000 more
copies than the number
two song. It was also the
most streamed song in one
week in UK -2.49 million
times!! Throw in the fact
that Ronson's new album
is out this month and it's
looking to be quite a year
for the super producer!
Album Of The mOnTh
mArk rOnsOn
Was it ever going to anyone else?
Sweet Tooth define independence. Their debut album,
Everybody Wants To Be In Love, was written, arranged
and produced in by them in their own studios. The
album is a beautiful mix of electronica, electro swing,
rock and will consist of 12 tracks including the debut
single 'Everybody Wants To Be In Love' and 'Venus In
The music is a testament to their independent approach:
it feels like it is made with care and passion: no sounds
that feels out of place. It is produced without feeling
effete and Fleurtini's breathy vocals pair brilliantly with
the nebulous, nostalgic music.
This month we're directing
our attention to the
beautiful Union Chapel.
Located in Compton
Avenue, Highbury, this
gorgeous old church caters
for all number of tastes
and interests. From their
not overly priced drinks
to the overall atmosphere
provided by the gothic
architecture and cool calm
sensation it grants its
patrons, it is
well worth checking out.
Alubum Of The mOnTh
The London-based duo is releasing their debut album, Everybody Wants To Be
In Love, this month.
IndIe Album Of The mOnTh: sweeT
TOOTh – everybOdy wAnTs TO be In
IndIe venue Of The mOnTh
The unIOn ChApel, hIghbury
Whether you're wanting to go to a
country rock show or a Tai Chi lesson,
there's something for everyone in this
hauntingly beautiful building.