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4 Issue 71 / 2015 GUESTLIST Newsflash farage is makiNg thiNgs up agaiN The UKiP leader told Fox News that there are no-go zones for non-Muslims in the main cities in France In addition to this, he also declared that apparently we in the UK have 'ghettos' dominated by Sharia law. The source of this new revelation is unknown. What is a no-go zone anyway? DaD seNDs soN to school with a shit loaD of Drugs The stupidest thing to happen all year... and it's only January! Of all the places to keep your drugs, your son's lunch box isn't the smartest. Lee Webb, 23 from Folkestone, accidentally handed his three-year-old the wrong rucksack containing scales, mephedrone, and cocaine instead of sandwiches. The mistake was discovered by nursery staff. Webb pleaded guilty to possession, and has been jailed for four years. taNzaNia outlaws witchDoctors iN attempt to protect albiNos People with albinism are attacked for their body parts, which are believed to be lucky. It is estimated that there are over 33,000 albinos (people lacking pigment in their skin) in Tanzania. The recent clampdown on witchdoctors hopes to review old cases to gather more research into the atrocious murders taking place. Imagine having your finger chopped off because someone wanted a lucky charm... gooD News! hero of paris supermarket attack to be giveN freNch citizeNship Shop assistant Bathily hid people in the freezer of the supermarket in Porte de Vincennes after terrorist Amedy Coulibaly began to shoot hostages. He was also able to escape from the store and inform the police about the situation unfolding inside. Speaking to the BFM TV, Bathily said "I turned off the light, I turned off the freezer. When I turned off the cold, I put them (hostages) in, I closed the door, I told them to stay calm." In saving shoppers who would have otherwise been held hostage by the gunman, Bathily insisted he only did what other people would have done, "We're brothers. It's not a question of Jews, Christians or Muslims. We're all in the same boat." Following the news of his heroism, an online petition was launched calling for him to be given a French passport – around 300,000 people have since signed it. The Interior Ministry has fast- tracked his application for citizenship! Korean restaurant Jeju Island in China offers free meals to those considered to be attractive! So if you fancy yourself a 10 out of 10 in the looks department, come on down! Faces are judged by plastic surgeons and 50 customers a day see their fees waved. Still thinking you've got a chance? How will your looks stand against a face scanner? That's right, a face scanner is also used to determine whether you're more of a Beyonce or a *insert suitable celebrity comparison here*. The competition hasn't been anything less than controversial, the local government have since removed the sign which read 'free meal for goodlooking'. The restaurant manager has not let that deter him saying "We will be more prudent with our advertising in future". Let the battle commence! calliNg all beautiful people: free meals iN exchaNge for gooD looks! Step aside Abercrombie & Fitch, there's a new boss in town. This could have been made worse with the help of the anti Islamic backlash following terror attacks. According to the annual report from Hope Not Hate who monitor far right groups for all our benefit, this is partly due to the rise of UKIP. The BNP has struggled since its leader Nick Griffin (who wants to eat Mexican but not with Mexicans) was ousted. UKIP has been picking up voters from The BNP, and regardless of its many questionable views (and few notable policies) it is not essentially far right. We can assume that former BNP voters do feel at home with Nigel Farage and UKIP. There are of course home-grown fundamentalists out there and any fans of integration and multiculturalism shouldn't put their guard down just yet. The decline of the far right and support for obnoxious groups like the BNP can only be a good thing. And we thought UKIP were good for nothing! ic. fall of the far right! ukip gooD for somethiNg! It has been made clear that support for far right groups in the UK is at its lowest point for 20 years. 24-year-old Malian Muslim Lassana Bathily is to be given French citizenship after he helped hostages to safety during the siege of a kosher supermarket.