The digital version of the SXSW Interactive Program Guide is now available. Packed full of information, this guide is a must-read before leaving home and on the plane, as well as a great resource on the ground. Download today!
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ACL Live at the Moody Theater: 310 Willie Nelson Boulevard Ashbel Smith Hall: 201 West 7 th Street City Hall: 301 West 2 nd Street Courtyard Marriott: 300 East 4 th Street JW Marriott: 110 East 2 nd Street Omni Hotel Downtown: 700 San Jacinto Boulevard Palm Door on Sixth: 508 East 6 th Street Parkside: 301 East 6 th Street Radisson Town Lake: 111 East Cesar Chavez Street Sheraton Austin: 701 East 11 th Street Trinity Hall: 311 East 5 th Street Partner Programming sessions incorporate panels into the program outside of the internal SXSW panel picker process. Theme Features What Is A Brand Now Anyway? Vinoo Vijay Friday, March 13 // 11:00am // Sheraton: Capital Ballroom Presented by Media Post. Product branding used to assure quality. But digital connectivity and community bring immediate transparency to most products, so what is branding about now? Manufacturers have online "voices," "conversations," "relationships" – more like people than institutions. Consumers help shape company reputations. We ask marketers: what is the value and purpose of a brand? When Quickies Aren't Satisfying: Loyalty on Social Holly Spaeth, Erika Brookes, Michelle Lapierre, Rebecca Harris Friday, March 13 // 5:00pm // Radisson: Riverside Ballroom Presented by Oracle. The social media payoff is expected to be instanta- neous. Many industries don't have the luxury of a quick "Buy Now" link from social to sale, but they can leverage social in their long purchase cycle and to improve life after purchase. Hear how General Motors has connected the dots from consideration to purchase to post-purchase to build long-term relationships with millions of diverse consumers. Digital Austin: 3D Maps That Predict What's Ahead Joshua Apte, Fernanda Leite, David Maidment, Allan Shearer Sunday, March 15 // 9:30am // Radisson: Riverside Ballroom Presented by University of Texas. The development of sustainable, healthy, and resilient cities has been hampered by a lack of data at spatial scales on the order square meters to single buildings. Digital Austin is an effort to demonstrate these techniques in Austin and will be the focus of this panel session. Stand Out and Break In: Startup Go-to-Market Guide Colleen Hayes, Eric Gore, Irina Mladenova Monday, March 14 // 11:00am // Radisson: Riverside Ballroom Presented By IBM. Thought securing funding or building your product was the hard part? Think again. Approaching your market and showing the value of your solution can be a huge challenge. In this session, learn how to plan your go-to-market strategy and leverage the right partnerships. Hear from successful startups. Saving Storefronts: How Mobile+Data Drives Visits Shelly Banjo, Todd Dipaola Tuesday, March 17 // 12:30pm // Radisson: Riverside Ballroom Presented by InMarket. This panel will empower businesses to take back their airwaves and establish firm protocols for digital augmenta- tion, without ceding control of the consumer experience to "airspace invaders." PA L M PA R K Brush Square Park A U D I T O R I U M S H O R E S W AT E R L O O PA R K Brackenridge Hospital U N I V E R S I T Y O F T E X A S Capitol of Texas IH 35 IH 35 BIERCE STR EET 100 200 100 300 200 400 500 600 700 800 200 300 300 400 300 200 400 500 500 600 900 1000 1500 1160 1700 1800 COLORADO STREET LAVACA SOUTH 1ST ST BRAZOS STREET SABINE STREET SABINE STREET SABINE SABINE SAN JACINTO BLVD TRINITY STREET RED RIVER STREET CONGRESS AVE COLORADO STREET GUADALUPE STREET SAN ANTONIO STREET NUECES STREET RAINEY STREET RIVER STREET DAVIS ST DRISKILL ST EAST AVENUE RIO GRANDE STREET SAN JACINTO BLVD TRINITY STREET RED RIVER STREET W 8TH STREET W 7TH STREET W 6TH STREET W 5TH STREET W 4TH STREET W 3RD STREET W 2ND STREET 3RD STREET RIVERSIDE DR W CESAR CHAVEZ STREET E CESAR CHAVEZ STREET E 7TH STREET W 9TH STREET W 13TH STREET E 13TH STREET E 14TH STREET W 14TH STREET E 9TH STREET MARTIN LUTHER KING JR BLVD E 10TH STREET W 10TH STREET E 12TH STREET W 12TH STREET W 11TH STREET E 11TH STREET E 15TH STREET W 15TH STREET W 16TH STREET W 17TH STREET W 18TH STREET E 6TH STREET E 5TH STREET E 4TH STREET NECHES STREET BRAZOS STREET BAR TON SPRINGS RD PALM DOOR ON 6TH CITY HALL TRINITY HALL COURTYARD MARRIOTT ACL LIVE AT THE MOODY THEATER SHERATON AUSTIN OMNI HOTEL DOWNTOWN PARKSIDE JW MARRIOTT ASHBEL SMITH HALL AT&T CONFERENCE CENTER PARTNER PROGRAMMING FESTIVAL SESSIONS SXSW 2015 Interactive Festival 179 David Maidment Roxanne Schwartz Michelle Lapierre Vinoo Vijay