The digital version of the SXSW Interactive Program Guide is now available. Packed full of information, this guide is a must-read before leaving home and on the plane, as well as a great resource on the ground. Download today!
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JW Marriott, 4 th Floor: 110 East 2 nd Street Rooms: 404, Salon 4, Salon 7, Salon 8 These sessions focus on all things social as well as privacy concerns. Subjects covered, but not limited to social networks, social media, per- sonal and professional online relationships, surveillance, encryption tools, racking, big data, and monitoring. Theme Features We are Mapping Your World, Inside. What's Private? Carol Politi Saturday, March 14 // 12:30pm // Salon 4 What if every step you took was mapped? Outside and Inside. Technol- ogy developed to locate firefighters and soldiers is being implemented on mobile devices to discover building maps. Your data – combined with data from your friends and neighbors – creates detailed indoor maps. It will make the world safer, but it opens up a dilemma. Privacy versus safety, efficiency, fun. What are the rules? Youth Activism in a Post-Snowden World Marco Werman, Zeynep Tufekci Sunday, March 15 // 12:30pm // Salon 7 What form is Millennial activism taking and is it different from what came before? How have Edward Snowden's actions changed the state of activism for a new generation? Marco Werman, host of PRI's "The World," will sit down with influential blogger and academic Zeynep Tufekci for an in-depth conversation about privacy, social media cen- sorship, hashtag activism, and global youth protests. When Should Privacy Trump Free Speech? Emma Llansó, Jillian York, Mike Goodwin, Zach Graves Sunday, March 15 // 5:00pm // Salon 8 Join us for a discussion on the limiting principles of privacy, the Balkanization of the Internet, Europe's "right to be forgotten," and how these factors affect American tech companies and Internet entrepreneurs. Digital Afterlife: 6 Feet Under and 6 Years Later Evan Carroll Monday, March 16 // 3:30pm // Room 404 In 2009, Evan Carroll and John Romano brought SXSW a first conver- sation about the digital afterlife. What once was an emerging field is no longer. It's time to rethink how we deal with death in the digital age. Join Evan Carroll, co-founder of The Digital Beyond and co-author of Your Digital Afterlife, for a fascinating journey through the past, present and future of the digital afterlife. Feels X Gains – Emotions, Masculinity and Support Christopher Gandin Le, David Tuck, Jamia Wilson, Marcus Morieko Tuesday, March 17 // 12:30pm // Salon 8 Offline you're a normal dude, happy enough, nice enough and good enough. Online though, you're either a raging douchebag or a guy whose FB friends are in better relationships with hotter girls or guys. Join our panel of mental health experts, healthy relationship facilita- tors, gender theorists and one meathead Jersey-boy poet to discuss how men talk about (or don't talk about) emotions online. 408-409 402-403 401 Lounge 405 407 404 Salon 1 Salon 2 Salon 3 Salon 4 Salon 5-6 Salon 7 Salon 8 406 Lounge East 2 nd Street Brazos Street North Congress Avenue J W G R A N D B A L L R O O M 406 GR 4th Floor SOCIAL & PRIVACY FESTIVAL SESSIONS SXSW 2015 Interactive Festival 187 Jamia Wilson Christopher Gandin Le Zeynep Tufekci Marko Werman