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JULY Fourth of July Fireworks on the Pier This iconic celebra on features fi reworks over the waterfront and a full patrio c display. Staged on the Tybee Island Pier and Pavilion, the view is spectacular from the shores of Mid and South beaches. cityo SEPTEMBER Labor Day Beach Bash Celebrate the end of summer with food, liba ons and live music under the open-air pavilion. Stay for the fi reworks show on the beach. OCTOBER Tybee Equality Fest Inspired by a vision of crea ng a one-of-a-kind, diverse, inclusive, unforge able experience, this weekend features a parade, live music and other events to promote businesses and organiza ons that support equality. Tybee Island Pirate Fest Say "Arrgh!" with your whole crew while wearing your buccaneer best — or pick up some new threads in the Thieves' Market — and enjoy live entertainment, ac vi es and more. NOVEMBER Tybee Post Music Fes val Enjoy a range of musical genres from folk to reggae in the beau ful autumn weather. Recent headliners have included The Indigo Girls, The Spin Doctors and Everclear. tybeepos DECEMBER Christmas A rac ons Enjoy a variety of events, including the Nigh me Christmas Parade of Lights, the Christmas Tree Ligh ng and Holiday Market. For the Tybee Boat Parade, Tour de Lights Christmas Parade and more holiday happenings, go to visi New Year's Eve Fireworks Start the new year off with a bang by experiencing one of the largest fi reworks displays in the Southeast! *2024 event dates are subject to change. For up-to-date informa on, please check SCAD Sand Arts Festival S A V A N N A H C O L L E G E O F A R T A N D D E S I G N MORE TO ENJOY • Tybee City-Wide Yard Sale in February and October • Farmers' & Ar sans' Market on Mondays from March-October • Tybee Post Theater Summer Movies throughout June and July • Tybee Redfi sh Beach Tournament in October • Island Car Enthusiast (ICE) Car Show in October Tybee Beach Bum Parade J O S H G A L E M O R E / S A V A N N A H M O R N I N G N E W S #VisitSavannah | #VisitTybee 71