Visit Savannah and Visit Tybee Island

2024 Savannah and Tybee Island Insider Guide

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W ith its historic charm and vibrant nightlife, Savannah offers a cocktail scene that celebrates creativity, innovation and a deep appreciation for the craft. Whether you're a bourbon enthusiast, a gin connoisseur or simply looking to explore new fl avors, Savannah's cocktail bars beckon you to embark on a spirited adventure through their diverse and fl avorful concoctions. Here's what we're ordering: WAYWARD DAIQUIRI AT THE WAYWARD: Order the signature daiquiri, made with white rum and coconut liqueur, at this moody bar nestled inside the luxurious Perry Lane Hotel. FORTY NINER AT THE TRADE ROOM BAR: There's an impressive whiskey list at this bar inside The Alida Hotel, but the Forty Niner comes in a delightful smoked glass that adds depth to notes of honey and ginger. FIZZY LIFTING DRINK AT ARTILLERY: A refreshing, gin-based drink makes for perfect people-watching at the dazzlingly beautiful Artillery, in the heart of the Historic District. EL PEPINO AT THE FITZROY: Tequila lovers, El Pepino is for you. Cucumbers add unexpected freshness to this drink, served amid The Fitzroy's moody interiors. GUARDIANS OF ROYALTY AT PEACOCK LOUNGE: You'll feel like a king or queen sipping this drink of vodka, bubbles and elderfl ower and raspberry liqueurs in the lushly appointed Peacock Lounge. Let's Toast IN SAVANNAH, SKILLED MIXOLOGISTS TRANSFORM SPIRITS INTO WORKS OF ART THIS DRINK PACKS A PUNCH CHATHAM ARTILLERY PUNCH has a bit of murky past (perhaps due to its formidable blend of spirits). Some say George Washington himself en- joyed a glass of Savannah's most famous punch as early as 1791, while others believe the recipe was more likely developed during the 1850s for a group of militiamen at the Chatham Artillery. What's indisputable, though, is that the punch is wickedly strong, blending a potent mixture of liquors such as brandy, rum and whiskey with sugar, tea and citrus fruits. Sweet, sour and decadently boozy, Chatham Artillery Punch toasts the importance of communal celebration. Order it at Savannah River House Seafood or P.S. Tavern for a true taste of our city's storied history. @ T H E F I T Z R O Y S A V V I S I T S A V A N N A H S A V A N N A H R I V E R H O U S E S E A F O O D Artillery Bar T H E T R A D E R O O M - A L I D A The Trade Room at The Alida Hotel The Fitzroy 34 |

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